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Are obesity and asthma linked ?



  报告题目:  Are obesity and asthma linked?

人:  Zhenying Nie  Ph.D.

                         Beijing Medical University

Research Assistant Professor

Oregon Health and Science University

      间:   2011826 (星期五) 1000

    点:  生化楼三楼中厅

人:   张宏权 教授


           Dr. Zhenying Nie is Research Assistant Professor of Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine in Oregon Health and Science University . Dr. Nie received M.D. of medicine in 1994 and Ph.D. of Histology and Embryology in 1999 in Beijing Medical University respectively. In 2003, Dr. Nie did postdoctoral training of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine in University of Pennsylvania . Dr. Nie had created a new experimental orchiditis mouse model and a transgenic mouse model. Dr. Nie now works at the reseach of airway physiology in obese rats and mice, which is supported by the Medical Research Foundation in Oregon . This lecture is mainly about the relationship between obesity and asthma. Since 2006, Dr. Nie has published 4 peer-reviewed papers.

  Representative Publication:

1.         Nie, Z.  Airway hyperresponsiveness and cardiac arrhythmia in obese rats. Submitted to The American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology in May 2011.

2.         Nie, Z.  Jacoby, D.B., and Fryer, A.D. β2-agonists Inhibit TNF-a-induced ICAM-1 Expression in Human Airway Parasympathetic Neurons. Under revision from PLoS One 2011.

3.         Nie, Z.  Scott,G.D. , Weis,P.D., Itakura, A. and Fryer, A.D. Role of TNF-α in virus-induced airway hyperresponsiveness and neuronal M2 muscarinic receptor dysfunction. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2011, DOI: 10.1111/j.1476-5381. 2011.01393.

4.         Nie, Z.  Jacoby, D.B., and Fryer, A.D. Etanercept prevent airway hyperresponsiveness by protecting neuronal M2 muscarinic receptors in antigen challenged guinea pigs.  British Journal of Pharmacology, 2009, Volume 156 Issue1, pages 201-210