Regulation of glucose metabolism by PAX6
题目:Regulation of glucose metabolism by PAX6
李凌松,长江特聘教授,细胞生物学与遗传学系主任,北京大学干细胞研究中心负责人。1986年毕业于白求恩医科大学,1986-1989年获军科院硕士学位,1993-1999年于Washington大学攻读分子与细胞生物学博士学位,曾在Virginia大学神经科、Washington大学医学与免疫学系、Stanford大学医学中心进修,目前承担包括“973”、“863”在内的多项国家级重大、重点课题。 近年发表论文: Xiao Z, Kong Y, Yang S, Li M, Wen J, Li L. Upregulation of Flk-1 by bFGF via the ERK pathway is essential for VEGF-mediated promotion of neural stem cell proliferation. Cell Res. 2007 Jan;17(1):73-9. Ma Y, Xu Y, Xiao Z, Yang W, Zhang C, Song E, Du Y, Li L. Reconstruction of chemically burned rat corneal surface by bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells. Stem Cells. 2006 Feb;24(2):315-21. Song S, Liu Y, Guo S, Zhang L, Zhang X, Wang S, Lu A, Li L. A novel PAX6 gene mutation in a Chinese family with aniridia. Mol Vis. 2005 May 6;11:335-7. Li X, Xu J, Bai Y, Wang X, Dai X, Liu Y, Zhang J, Zou J, Shen L, Li L. Isolation and characterization of neural stem cells from human fetal striatum. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Jan 14;326(2):425-34. Bai X, Xiao Z, Pan Y, Hu J, Pohl J, Wen J, Li L. Cartilage-derived morphogenetic protein-1 promotes the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into chondrocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004 Dec 10;325(2):453-60.