Pushing the envelope of 3D live fluorescence imaging by selective plane illu…
报告题目:Pushing the envelope of 3D live fluorescence imaging by selective plane illumination microscopy
报告人:Liang Gao(高亮), Ph.D.
2014-present Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Stony Brook University
2009-2013 Research Associate, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA
时间:7月27日(星期一)10:30-11:30 AM
Dr. Gao is assistant professor of the department of Chemistry and department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Stony Brook University. Dr. Gao graduated from Tsinghua University in 2003. He received PhD at Purdue University in 2009. From the end of 2009 to 2013, Dr. Gao worked with Dr. Eric Betzig at the Janelia Farm Research Campus of Howard Hughes Medical Institute on the development of 3D live fluorescence microscopy techniques. Specifically, he developed the Bessel beam plane illumination fluorescence microscopy with Dr. Eric Betzig together. Dr. Gao started his own lab at Stony Brook University in 2014. His current research involves the development, application of 3D live fluorescence imaging techniques and associated image analysis techniques. In this report, Dr. Gao will introduce a novel method for 3D imaging by SPIM that is capable to maintain its high 3D spatial resolution and good optical sectioning capability within a large FOV.
Recent Publications:
1.Gao, L., (2015) “Extend the field of view of selective plane illumination microscopy by tiling the excitation light sheet”, Optics Express, 23(5), 6102-6111.
2.Gao, L., (2015) “Optimization of the excitation light sheet in selective plane illumination microscopy”, Biomedical Optics Express, 6(3), 881-890.
3.Wang, D., Meza, D. Wang, Y. Gao, L., Liu, J.T.C. (2014) “Sheet-scanned dual axis confocal (SS-DAC) microscopy using Richardson-Lucy deconvolution”, Optics Letters, 39, 5431-5434
4.Gao, L.,* Shao, L., Chen, B.C., Betzig, E. (2014) “3D Live Fluorescence Imaging of Cellular Dynamics Using Bessel Beam Plane Illumination Microscopy”, Nature Protocols, 9, 1083-1011. (*Corresponding Author, Cover article)
5.Gao, L., Shao, L., Higgins, D.C., Poulton, J.S., Peifer, M., Davidson, M.D., Wu, X., Goldstein, B., and Betzig, E. (2012) “Noninvasive imaging of 3D dynamics in thickly fluorescent specimens beyond the diffraction limit”, Cell, 6, 1370-1385.
6.Planchon, T.A.,* Gao, L.,* Milkie, D.E., Davidson, M.W., Galbraith, J.A., Galbraith, C.G., Betzig, E. (2011) “Rapid three-dimensional isotropic imaging of living cells using Bessel beam plane illumination”, Nature Methods, 8, 417-423. (*Equal Contribution, Cover article)