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(11.20)医学免疫学前沿讲座 The instability and plasticity of regulatory T ce…




报告题目:The instability and plasticity of regulatory T cells

报  告  人:周旭宇

时        间:11月20 日(周三)上午10:00-11:00

地        点:北京大学医学部生化楼,  三楼中厅会议室

主  持  人:邓国平

联系电话:010-8280 1694



          周旭宇博士,中国科51直播 微生物所研究员,日本大阪大学医学博士,美国加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校(UCSF) Jeffery Bluestone实验室博士后;荣获“ADA Mentor-Based Award”,中国科51直播 微生物研究所“百人计划”入选者。周博士长期从事免疫耐受领域研究,利用双报告基因小鼠首次在体内揭示了调节性T细胞可塑性的存在。该发现入选2010年“Faculty of 1000”和Times Higher Education“Hot papers in immunology”。其代表性文章:


1. Zhang Z, Zhou X. Foxp3 Instability Helps tTregs Distinguish Self and Non-self. Front Immunol. 2019 Sep 24;10:2226.

2. Zhu X, Zhang W, Guo J, Zhang X, Li L, Wang T, Yan J, Zhang F, Hou B, Gao N, Gao GF, Zhou X. Noc4L-Mediated Ribosome Biogenesis Controls Activation of Regulatory and Conventional Cells. Cell Rep. 2019 Apr 23;27(4):1205-1220.e4.

3. Reciprocal Expression of IL-35 and IL-10 Defines Two Distinct Effector Treg Subsets that are Required for Maintenance of Immune Tolerance. Wei X, Zhang J, Gu Q, Huang M, Zhang W, Guo J, Zhou X. Cell Rep. 2017 Nov 14;21(7):1853-1869.

4. Zhou X, Jeker LT, Fife BT, Zhu S, Anderson MS, McManus MT, Bluestone JA. Selective miRNA disruption in T reg cells leads to uncontrolled autoimmunity. J Exp Med. 2008 Sep 1;205(9):1983-91.

5. Zhou X, Bailey-Bucktrout S, Jeker LT, Bluestone JA. Plasticity of CD4(+) FoxP3(+) T cells. Curr Opin Immunol. 2009 Jun;21(3):281-5.

6. Zhou X, Bailey-Bucktrout SL, Jeker LT, Penaranda C, Martínez-Llordella M, Ashby M, Nakayama M, Rosenthal W, Bluestone JA. Instability of the transcription factor Foxp3 leads

 to the generation of pathogenic memory T cells in vivo. Nat Immunol. 2009 Sep;10(9):1000-7.