【院长论坛】Novel Signaling Pathways in Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Bone Marr…
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题 目:Novel Signaling Pathways in Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Bone Marrow Failure
报 告 人:Wei Tong, PhD
Associate Professor,
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
时 间:2013年8月20日(星期二)下午1:30-4:00
地 点:医学部生化楼三楼中厅
主 持 人:邵根泽 教授
Dr Wei Tong is an associate professor at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Her laboratory investigates cytokine receptor signaling in normal blood development and hematologic malignancies, with focuses on signaling molecules emanated from cytokine receptor / tyrosine kinase complexes that regulate the development of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs), using a combination of approaches including biochemistry, molecular biology, and mouse models. She received Foerderer New Investigator awardand Julius Marmur Award, Howard Temin Career Development Award. Some of her recent publications include:
1. Bersenev, A., Wu, C., Balcerek, J., and Tong, W. (2008) Lnk Controls Mouse Hematopoietic Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Quiescence through Direct Interactions with JAK2. Journal of Clinical Investigation 118(8): 2832-44. (PMC2447929)
2. Bersenev, A., Wu, C., Balcerek, J., Jiang, J., Kundu, M., Blobel, GA, Chikwava, KR, and Tong, W. (2010) Lnk Constrains Myeloproliferative Diseases in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 120(6):2058-69.
3. McMullin, MF, Wu, C., Percy, MJ, and Tong, W. (2011) A Nonsynonymous LNK Polymorphism Associated with Idiopathic Erythrocytosis. American Journal of Hematology, 86(11):962-4.
4. Lambert, MP, Jiang, J., Batra, V., Wu, C., and Tong, W. (2012) A novel mutation in MPL (Y252H) results in increased thrombopoietin sensitivity in Essential Thrombocythemia. American Journal of Hematology. 87(5):532-4.
5. Jiang, J., Balcerek, J., Rozenova, K., Cheng Y., Bersenev, A., Wu, C., Song, Y., and Tong, W. (2012) 14-3-3 Regulates the LNK/JAK2 Pathway in Mouse Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 122(6):2079-91.
6. Bersenev, A., Rozenova, K., Balcerek, J., Jiang, J., Wu, C., and Tong, W. (2012) Lnk Deficiency Partially Mitigates Hematopoietic Stem Cell Aging. Aging Cell, 11(6): 949-59, Dec. 2012.
7. Tong, W. (2009) A Means to an end: Ubiquitination of Mpl. Blood, 115(6):1111-2.
8. Tong, W. (2010) Megakaryocytes Muscle In. Blood, 116(11):1828-9.