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万有教授,51直播-51直播网 副院长,神经科学研究所常务副所长,教育部神经科学重点实验室主任,教育部“跨世纪优秀人才培养计划”获得者,“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选。主要从事疼痛与镇痛机理研究,以脊髓背角和背根神经节为对象,研究领域感觉系统神经生物学,方向为疼痛与镇痛的神经生物学机制,主要涉及神经元与胶质细胞的离子通道、受体、信号转导等。任中国神经科学学会理事兼副秘书长、中华医学会疼痛分会委员常务委员兼秘书长、北京神经科学学会理事兼秘书长、中国针灸学会针刺麻醉与针刺镇痛原理分会理事。国内外十余种刊物审稿人与编委。先后负责15项国家和省部级科研课题,目前在研项目4项。 Feng-Yu Liu, Guo-Gang Xing, Xiao-Xiu Qu, Isabella Shi Xu, Ji-Sheng Han, You Wan CA. Roles of 5-HT receptor subtypes in the inhibitory effects of 5-HT on the C-fiber responses of the spinal wide dynamic range neurons in rats. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2007; 321(3): 1046-1053. Qian Sun, Hui-Yin Tu, Guo-Gang Xing, Ji-Sheng Han, You Wan CA. Ectopic discharges from injured nerve fibers are highly correlated with tactile allodynia only in early, but not late, stage in rats with spinal nerve ligation. Experimental Neurology 2005; 191(1): 128-136. Huiyin Tu, Lunbin Deng, Qian Sun, Lei Yao, Ji-Sheng Han, You Wan CA. Hyperpolarization- activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated cation (HCN) channels: roles in the differential electrophysiological properties of rat primary afferent neurons. Journal of Neuroscience Research 2004; 76(5): 713-722. Hao Luo, Jin Cheng, Ji-Sheng Han, You Wan CA. Change of vanilloid receptor 1 expression in dorsal root ganglion and spinal dorsal horn during inflammatory nociception induced by complete Freund's adjuvant in rats. Neuro Report 2004; 15(4): 655-658. You Wan, Sonya G. Wilson, Ji-Sheng Han, Jeffrey S. Mogil. The effect of genotype on sensitivity to electroacupuncture analgesia. Pain 2001; 91(1-2): 5-13.   热忱欢迎参加!