【院长论坛】(4.9)The novel histone methyltransferase KMT9 controls prostate ca…
报告题目:“The novel histone methyltransferase KMT9 controls prostate cancer”
报告人:Prof. Dr. Roland Schuele
University Freiburg Medical Centre
时 间:2019年4月9日(周二)下午14:00-15:30
地 点:北京大学医学部生化楼三层中厅会议室
07/2012- Speaker CRC 992 Medical Epigenetics
04/2010- Full Professor (W3) Scientific Director,
Dept. of Urology.
Director, Center for Clinical Research,
01/2005-03/2010: Full Professor (W3) and Director,
University Freiburg Medical Centre
Most Relevant Publications
1. Metzger E., Wang S., Urban S., Willmann D., Schmidt A., Offermann A., Allen A., Sum M., Obier N., Cottard F., Ulferts S., Preca B.-T., Hermann B., Maurer J., Greschik H., Hornung V., Einsle O., Perner S., Imhof A., Jung M., and Schüle R. (2019) KMT9 mono-methylates histone H4 Lysine 12 and controls proliferation of prostate cancer cells. Nat Struct Mol Biol. (in press)
2. Tosic, M. Allen, A., Willmann, D., Lepper, C., Kim, J., Duteil, D. and Schüle, R. (2018) Lsd1 regulates skeletal muscle regeneration and fate of satellite cells. Nat. Commun. 9, 366.doi 10.1038/s41467-017-02740-5.
3. Metzger, E., Stepputtis, S.S., Strietz, J., Preca, B-T., Urban, S., Willmann, D., Allen, A., Zenk, F., Iovino, N., Bronsert, P., Proske, A., Follo, M., Boerries, M., Stickeler, E., Xu, J., Wallace, M.B., Stafford, J.A., Kanouni, T., Maurer, J. and Schüle, R. (2017) KDM4 inhibition targets breast cancer stem-like cells. Cancer Res. 77; 5900-5912.
4. Duteil,D.,Tosic,M.,Willmann,W.,Georgiadi,A.,Kanouni,T.andSchüle,R.(2017)Lsd1preventsage-programedlossofbeigeadipocytes.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 16;114(20):5265-5270.
5. MetzgerE,WillmannD,McMillanJ,ForneI,PetrollK,MetzgerP,GerhardtS,MaessenhausenA,SchottA-K,EspejoA,EberlinA,WohlwendD,SchüleKM,SchleicherM,PernerS,BedfordMT,JungM,DengjelJ,FlaigR,ImhofA,EinsleOandSchüleR.AssemblyofmethylatedLSD1andCHD1drivesAR-dependenttranscriptionandtranslocation.NatStructMolBiol.,23,132-139,2016.
8. MetzgerE,ImhofA,PatelD,KahlK,HoffmeyerK,FriedrichsF,MüllerJM,GreschikH,KirfelJ,JiS,KunowskaN,Beisenherz-HussC,GüntherT,BuettnerRandSchüleR.PhosphorylationofhistoneH3T6byPKCβIcontrolsdemethylationathistoneH3K4.Nature464,792-796,2010.
9. MetzgerE,Wissmann M,Yin N,MüllerJM,SchneiderR,PetersHFM,Günther T,BuettnerR and Schüle R.LSD1demethylatesrepressivehistonemarkstopromoteandrogenreceptordependenttranscription. Nature437,436-439,2005.