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The theoretical framework and clinical applications of the european ear acup…




The theoretical framework and clinical applications of the european ear acupuncture

告人:Dr. Andreas Wirz-Ridolfi,

The european academy of traditional Chinese medicine

时间 201311月15日 15:00-16:00

北京大学医学部 逸夫楼 406教室


      北京大学医学部中西医合学系 主任 教授




介:A graduate of the Basel University in general surgery, Dr. Wirz has over 40 years of clinical experience as a surgeon and a practitioner of the European ear acupuncture at his private center MEDI-CHINA in Basel, Switzerland. Since learning the European Ear Acupuncture with Professor Frank Bahr in 1985, he has been a regular lecturer and contributor in the auriculotherapy and laser acupuncture to promote holistic medicine.