“Cancer and Translational Medicine”
Peking University Institute of Systems Biomedicine
2011 Annual Meeting
September 14, 2011
Beijing, China
Presidential speech by Dr. Yang Ke, Executive Vice President of Peking University
Michael White, Ph.D., Professor
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Title: Mapping the Landscape of Acquired Vulnerabilities in Lung Cancer
Qimin Zhan, M.D., Professor
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College
Title: Mitotic regulators and tumor malignancies.
Yuxin Yin, M.D., Ph.D., Professor
Peking University Institute of Systems Biomedicine
Title: Network of p53 and PTEN Tumor Suppressors
Rebecca Heald, Ph.D., Professor
University of California , Berkeley
Title: Importazole: A Small Molecule Inhibitor of Nucleocytoplasmic Transport and Cell Division
Youyong Lu, M.D., Professor
Peking University Cancer Hospital / Institute
Title: Biomarker rediscovery and evaluation based on genome profiling of gastric cancer.
Musheng Zeng, Ph.D., Professor
Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center
Title: EBV Infection in NPC: Role in Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Implications
Prasad Jallepalli, M.D., Ph.D., Professor
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Title: Probing Mitosis & Cell Division Mechanisms with Chemical Genetics
主办方 Organizer:
北京大学系统生物医学研究所 Peking University Institute of Systems Biomedicine
会议地点 Venue:
Peking University Health Science Center, Yifu Building Auditorium