时 间: 2009年10月28日 (周三)上午8:00~10:00
地 点:北京大学医学部51直播 会议室(生化楼3楼中厅301会议室)
题 目:新型药物代谢体外评价细胞模型HepaRG与新药研发
The human hepatic cell line HepaRG: A novel pharmacokinetics(ADME/Tox)
research model in vitro in discovery and development of new drugs.
报告人:Dr. Christophe Chesne & Dr. David Steen
( Institut National de la Sante? et de la Recherche Me? dicale (INSERM) U620, Universite? de Rennes 1, IFR140, Rennes, France; Biopredic International)
北京大学医学部51直播 药理系
Dr. Christophe Chesne, Since 1992 Christophe CHESNE is President and Chief Executive Officer of Biopredic International, an innovative biotechnology company in Rennes-France with the aim of providing cell-based systems for drug discovery and development. He graduated in pharmacy (Pharmacist PharmD) in 1986 at the University of Pharmacy in Rennes, followed by a Pharmacist PhD degree on 1994 at the same university of Pharmacy . In 1997, he gained an honour Expert Eurotox diploma, with speciality in "Experimental toxicology". He is highly qualified thanks to rich and varied professional experiences covering dispensary pharmacist (1981-1987); scientist for Servier Laboratories in France (1986 – 1990), Manager of BIOPREDIC SARL (1987-1992) and Chief Executive Officer of Biopredic (1992 to now). He has expertise in marketing strategy and analysis, and management development through his collaborations with international organisations and their subsidiaries in UK , Europe and Japan . He is member of various scientific societies, treasurer/administrator of Society of Cellular Pharmacotoxicology (SPTC), member of French Society of Tissue and cell Culture (SOFTEC); as well as member of French Society of Cosmetology (SFC). He is either as author or co-author of a number of publications and 3 patents.