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51直播-51直播网 杨宝学教授主编的《Urea Transporters》一书出版
近日,51直播-51直播网 杨宝学教授和美国Emory大学医51直播 Jeff Sands教授共同主编的《Urea Transporters》一书由Springer出版社正式出版发行。该书是尿素通道蛋白(Urea Transporters)研究领域的第一本专著,Springer出版社特邀该研究领域的国际知名学者参与撰写,系统介绍了最近20年中尿素通道蛋白的发现历程、表达调控、生理功能、与疾病的关系和药理学研究进展。由美国国家健康研究所(NIH)肾脏领域资深专家Mark Knepper博士为该书作序。
施普林格(Springer)出版社是全球最大的学术与科技图书出版社,全球三大学术期刊出版社之一。从1971年起出版的《Subcellular Biochemistry》系列丛书,始终专注于介绍和推广细胞生物学及其相关领域的最新研究进展。所有章节均收录于MEDLINE/Pubmed。《Urea Transporters》为该系列的第73卷。全书共分14章,其内容包括尿素通道的发现与分子克隆、尿素通道蛋白基因结构、尿素通道蛋白晶体构象、尿素通道蛋白的组织分布、尿素通道蛋白表达调控、尿素通道蛋白转运尿素的数学模型、尿素通道的生理功能、尿素通道蛋白与疾病的关系、尿素通道抑制剂的利尿作用、主动运转尿素通道,以及参与尿素转运的水通道蛋白。
精装本:ISBN 978-94-017-9342-1
电子版:ISBN 978-94-017-9343-8,下载链接:
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· About this book
· Covers research advances in the study of urea transporter over the past 20 years
· Provides a systematic and comprehensive insight into urea transporters
· Introduces clinical and pharmaceutical aspects of urea and urea transporters, linking the bench work to the bedside
· Written by experts in this field
The mechanisms and physiological functions of urea transport across biological membranes are subjects of long-standing interest. Recent advances in the molecular biology and physiology of urea transport have yielded new insights into how and why urea moves across cell membranes. In the last two decades, seven facilitated urea transporters (UT-A1-6 and UT-B) have been cloned, and their gene organization, protein crystal structure, expression localization and physiological functions in the tissues have been described. In recent years, the studies in urea transporter knockout mouse models suggest that urea transporters may be useful targets for drug discovery of selective inhibitors. The modulation of urea transport activity by pharmacological agents may provide novel treatments for hypertension, congestive heart failure and other fluid-retaining states. However, although urea represents about 40% of all urinary solutes in normal human urine, the handling of this solute in the tissues has been largely neglected in the past, and few clinical or experimental studies now report data about urea. Most recent physiological textbooks include chapters on water and electrolyte physiology but not a single chapter on urea. Our aim in writing this book is to stimulate further research in new directions by providing novel and provocative insights into further mechanisms and the physiological significance of urea metabolism and transport in mammals.
The book provides a state-of-the-art report on the latest findings on urea transport and where the field is going. Although some older work is cited, the main focus is on advances made over the past 20 years with regard to the biophysics, genetics, protein structure, molecular biology, physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology of urea transport in mammalian cell membranes. These aspects are especially valid, as advances in our understanding of urea transporting mechanisms and physiology promise to yield new insights into biology and medicine.
Keywords ?Membrane channel - Transporter protein - Urea - Urea transporter - Urine concentration
Related subjects ?Cell Biology- Human Genetics- Human Physiology- Pharmacology & Toxicology