- 2011-05-24 北京大学医学部与庆应大学医学部建交5周年纪念报告会
- 2011-05-18 【院长论坛】Challenges in Neurodegeneration Researc...
- 2011-05-18 【院长论坛】Building on a Rich History of
- 2011-05-16 Protein Chemistry in Living Cells
- 2011-05-16 Exploring ion channels by crystallography and...
- 2011-05-09 【院长论坛】From BRCA1 to Sirtuins: Cancer, Metabol...
- 2011-04-19 神经生物学系学术报告
- 2011-04-13 HIV: The virus, disease and AIDS epidemic
- 2011-04-08 【院长论坛】The Ribosome -- a Molecular Machine in ...
- 2011-03-18 【院长论坛】The human carcinoembryonic antigen- des...
- 2011-03-16 【院长论坛】Inflammation and Cancer: Interweaving M...
- 2011-03-01 Novel Membrane Estrogen Receptor ER-a36 and B...
- 2011-01-11 【院长论坛】Discovery of Novel Inhibitors of Influe...
- 2011-01-11 2011年神经科学研究所新春学术报告会
- 2010-12-22 2010年新技术、新思想、多学科联合报告会
- 2010-12-21 Retinal Ganglion Cell Photoreceptors
- 2010-12-19 A Redox Switch in Angiotensinogen Controls Bl...
- 2010-12-07 北京大学医学部中西医结合学系2010学术年会
- 2010-11-26 保持理想体重 留住身体健康
- 2010-11-25 2010年度笹川医学奖学金进修生同学会学术交流会