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- 2010-03-10 新药研发中药物代谢体外评价体系的选择及应用
- 2009-12-21 新技术、新思想、多学科联合报告会
- 2009-12-16 【院长论坛】Translational Science: What Our Patient...
- 2009-12-16 国家自然科学基金(中医药)申请要领
- 2009-12-04 Viral and Cellular Proteins Important for HCV...
- 2009-11-19 Identification of Atherosclerosis Modifier Ge...
- 2009-11-18 Cell membrane repair and its implication in r...
- 2009-11-17 siRNA Therapeutics: Promises and Challenges
- 2009-11-16 生老病死: 脑科学及脑神经造影观点
- 2009-11-06 Identification of new BK channel interacting ...
- 2009-11-06 【实验技术平台系列讲座】蛋白质组与细胞分析
- 2009-10-29 【实验技术平台系列讲座】基因修饰与敲除动物模型
- 2009-10-29 Spinal cord stimulation and visceral pain
- 2009-10-27 【院长论坛】Identifying Ligands for Orphan Nuclear ...
- 2009-10-22 遗传药理学,表观遗传药理学与个体化用药
- 2009-10-22 新型药物代谢体外评价细胞模型HepaRG与新药研发
- 2009-10-21 One of the guards for genome integrity ----re...
- 2009-10-16 Strategies for Control of Influenza Pandemics
- 2009-10-16 糖尿病危险因素的前瞻性研究